Clarence Valley Council

Development Fee Estimator - 2024/2025

IMPORTANT NOTE: This estimator is provided to assist you in estimating the fees applicable to your development related applications. All care has been taken to ensure that the resulting estimates are correct, however Council takes no responsibility for errors or omissions which may occur as a result of the use of this estimator.

Step 1
Enter estimated cost

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Select your proposal

Step 3
Quote estimate

Development Application
Development Type:
New Single Dwelling
Alterations & additions (pool, carport, patio, deck, shed, etc)
Subdivision with no new roads, how many additional lots
Subdivision with new road, how many additional lots
Strata subdivision, how many additional lots
Other (none of the above)
Notified and Advertised see Community Participation Plan
Integrated Development or referral to other NSW Government agencies
Designated Development Advertising
Designated Application Fee
Advertising Fee
Notification Fee
Other Concurrence*:
  Variation to Development Control Plan > 10% per variation Class 1-9 Buildings
  Variation to Development Control Plan > 10% per variation Class 10 Buildings
Variation to LEP Standard > 10% per variation
DA Fees
Archiving Fee  
DA Fee  
Construction Certificate Application
Inspections required: see Fees and charges
  New Dwelling
  Dual occupancy
  Multi unit
  Alterations and additions (patio, awning, carport, shade house, farm shed, garden shed, etc)
  Swimming pool inground
  Swimming pool above ground
  Other (none of the above)
Occupation Certificate
  Single Dwellings
  Units (per unit)
  Commercial/Industrial up to 200m²
  Commercial/Industrial up to 201m²-500m²
  Commercial/Industrial up to 501m²-2,000m²
  Commercial/Industrial up to 2,001m²-5,000m²
  This is a guide only. Additional inspections may be required.
  NOTE: Long Service Levy is required with Construction Certificate applications for developments with an estimated cost $250,000 or over. The amount shown here is the amount you may be charged by Council.
Construction Certificate (CC) Application Fees
Construction Certificate (CC) Application Fee (ex-GST)
Construction Certificate (CC) Application Fee (GST)
Inspections and Other CC Fees
Inspections (includes GST)
Occupation Certificate (ex-GST)    
Occupation Certificate (GST)    
Archiving fee    
Long Service Levy (All work $250,000 and over)
Long Service Levy    
* Includes GST
Complying Development Certificate Application
Complying Development Certificate fees are 125% of applicable combined DA/CC Fees
New Dwelling
Alterations & additions, pool, carport, patio, deck, shed, etc
Other (commercial, dual occupancy, industrial, etc)
Inspections required: see Fees and charges
  Dual Occupancy
  Multi unit
  Alterations and additions (patio, awning, carport, shade house, farm shed, garden shed, etc)
  Swimming pool inground
  Swimming pool above ground
Occupation Certificate
  Single Dwellings
  Units (per unit)
  Commercial/Industrial up to 200m²
  Commercial/Industrial up to 201m²-500m²
  Commercial/Industrial up to 501m²-2,000m²
  Commercial/Industrial up to 2,001m²-5,000m²
  This is a guide only. Additional inspections may be required.
  NOTE: Long Service Levy is required with Construction Certificate applications for developments with an estimated cost $250,000 or over. The amount shown here is the amount you may be charged by Council.
CDC Fees
CDC Fee (ex-GST)  
CDC Fee (GST)  
Inspections and Other CDC Fees
Inspections (includes GST)  
Archiving Fee  
Long Service Levy (All work $250,000 and over)
Long Service Levy  
Other Required Applications

You may also need approvals for things such as connecting to Council's water supply, sewer connection, Onsite sewerage Management and Sanitary plumbing and drainage applications. The types of activities that require separate Council approval are listed under section 68 of the local government act 1993. Approval of driveway access to a property or any construction or modification works within a public road are made under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993. These applications can be applied for on the NSW Planning Portal.

Water Plumbing Work
Sewer drainage approval/inspection $190.30 plus $52.00 per each additional WC
Water plumbing fee $190.30
On-site Sewerage Management applications
OSM application to install(new) and operate $752.00
OSM application to Alter or Amend existing system and operate $752.00
OSM application to installl (new) and operate (not lodged with DA, eg: Private Certified Dwelling) $857.75
Water and Sewer Connection
Standard 20mm water meter connection $1,570.00
Sewer connection Application $300.00
Section 138 Driveway
Driveway/crossing application to install $147.00
Driveway/crossing inspection of driveway construction $244.90
Sewage/Water Connection Etc.
NB:In almost every case you will need to submit a Stormwater and Driveway application with your DA and CC (above). Other applications may also be required for sewage and/or water connections. To avoid delays, please call Council to confirm fees and additional plans required. *** Under construction ***
Please contact Clarence Valley Council on 6670 2400 for more info
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The estimated cost of work must be based on industry recognised prices including cost for materials and all labour for construction and/or demolition and GST. If the estimate is understated, the figure will need to adjusted. Additional application fees may then be needed. For development with a value of greater than $3 million, the cost must be estimated by a registered quantity surveyor.

  • for development up to $100,000, the estimated cost be estimated by the applicant or a suitably qualified person1, with the methodology used to calculate that cost submitted with the DA.
  • for development between $100,000 and $3 million, a suitably qualified person should prepare the cost estimate and submit it, along with the methodology, with the DA.
  • for development more than $3 million, a detailed cost report prepared by a registered quantity surveyor verifying the cost of the development should be submitted with the DA

1A suitably qualified person is: a builder who is licensed to undertake the proposed works, a registered architect, a qualified and accredited building designer, a registered quantity surveyor or a person who is licensed and has the relevant qualifications and proven experience in costing of development works at least to a similar scale and type as is proposed. For swimming pools, the estimate must be from the quote by the swimming pool company installing the pool. This is an estimate only of the fees payable based on the information provided. The full application fees as set out in Council's Fees & Charges applicable at the time of lodgement of the application will be calculated and charged.

This is an estimate only of the fees payable based on the information provided. The full application fees as set out in Council's Fees & Charges applicable at the time of lodgement of the application will be calculated and charged.